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🌾 Distributing Grain

Grain Distribution Policy

Grain distribution is a two-step process in which the Cred is recomputed (so scores are as fresh as possible), and Grain is then distributed based on those Cred scores.

SourceCred currently has two policies for how a project distributes Grain:

  • IMMEDIATE splits Grain evenly based on how much Cred each participant earned in the last week. (This policy ignores all Cred from previous weeks, and is intended to give fast rewards to active participants).
  • BALANCED splits Grain based both on lifetime Cred and on lifetime Grain earnings. Balanced tries to ensure that everyone in the project receives a total Grain payment which is consistent with their total Cred score. For example, suppose that a contributor used to have a low Cred score, and as such received a small amount of Grain. However, the community recently changed its weights, or added a new plugin, such that the contributor now has a larger amount of Cred. The balanced policy sees that this contributor is underpaid, so it will pay them extra to "catch them up" to others in the project. Conversely, contributors might be "overpaid" and they'll receive less Grain until the payouts have been equalized.
  • RECENT splits Grain based on recent Cred using an exponential decay to prioritize more recent cred. The recentWeeklyDecayRate parameter determines to what degree you want to focus on recent contributions. If recentWeeklyDecayRate is set to 0.5 (i.e. 50% discount), as in the above example, the policy will count 100% of the Cred generated in the last week, 50% of the Cred generated in the week before, 25% from the week before that, 12.5% from the week before that, and so on.

The above is except is pulled from How Grain Works. Please visit the page for more information on Grain Distribution and FAQs.

Converting Grain

How it Works (the basics)

  1. You open a CoinbasePro account.

  2. You send our Treasurer a Grain Sale Request Form2 and the treasurer will send USDC from the SourceCred hardware wallet from the SourceCred account to your wallet on CoinbasePro. The treasurer will then create a Pull Request on Github telling the SourceCred code that this transaction took place, so your Grain balance on the Grain Ledger3 will show the adjusted amount.

  3. You go on CoinbasePro and sell your USDC for USD (or any other currency).

The above excerpt is pulled from Guide to Converting Grain. Please visit the page for more detailed steps for converting.
